This is your chance to win a £2500 cash bursary plus a publishing contract with Legend Press.
Writers can submit entries up until 2nd August 2013.
The Luke Bitmead Writers' Bursary was set up in 2006 after the death of Luke Bitmead, author of White Summer, The Body is a Temple and co-author of Heading South.
Previous winners include Andrew Blackman (On the Holloway Road), Ruth Dugdall (The Woman Before Me), Sophie Duffy (The Generation Game), J.R. Crook (Sleeping Patterns) and Joanne Graham (Lacey’s House).
This is the biggest UK award for unpublished writers, set up especially for new novelists, particularly those who may be struggling with circumstances that make it difficult to concentrate on their writing career.
The competition is open to writers 16 years and over, and the novel is to be adult fiction only, no non-fiction or children's books.
Authors may submit only one entry and the novel must be complete before entering.
To enter, submit a completed entry form plus the first three to four chapters of the novel in Word or PDF format.
If you have any queries email bitmeadbursary@legendpress.co.uk
For an even better chance at success, have your manuscript edited by Words Worth Reading Ltd.
Source: http://forward.legendpress.co.uk/mainsite/luke-bitmead-bursary.html
image courtesy http://www.freedigitalphotos.net image by thaikrit