The website has provided a useful article for
medical students or Doctors looking for a new challenge. The article provided top tips for writing a medical CV. We have provided the content of this article here:
Medical CVs
Why do I need a CV?
A CV should tell the story of you and your career.
When reading your CV, even at a glance, it should be clear why you are the best person for the role you are applying for.
By taking the time to regularly review and update your CV, it allows
you to create a standard format that you can adapt for each position
that you apply for, giving you the best chance at landing the position
you really want.
What about job application portals?
With the growth in medical job application portals such as Oriel and
NHS Jobs, which require you to fill out an online applications form, you
might wonder why you need a CV at all.
CVs are a valuable part of any
doctors portfolio, no matter what
grade or specialty and regardless of how you apply for jobs during your
As a junior doctor or higher specialty trainee, most people produce a
CV that is part of their portfolio assessment. In addition to this, at
your ARCP or RITA for example, a CV can be a good way of succinctly
writing what you have achieved since your previous review.
For GPs, a CV remains a key requirement when applying for posts, whether as a locum, salaried or partner position.
Similarly for consultant posts, a CV can be cited as an accompaniment to your application through the NHS jobs portal.
The NHS and Values Based Recruitment (VBR)
The NHS is taking on Values Based Recruitment (VBR), which is when employers seek to recruit staff with values that fit with their organisation.
VBR will be used from 2015 to help attract and select students,
trainees and employees, whose personal values and behaviours align with
the NHS values outlined in the NHS Constitution.
As a result of VBR, changes will occur to the way pre-screening assessment takes place, as well as how you are interviewed.
In the context of your CV and preparing for future job roles, think about how your personal values align with the NHS.
It also makes sense to think about how you weave this not only into
your CV, but your e-portfolio and application form as you progress
through your career.
VBR looks at three aspects:
- your motivation and commitment to the NHS and the role
- your ability to work in multi-professional teams
- the central importance of the patient's experience