Friday, 23 February 2018

Culture of Empowerment Leads to Outstanding CQC Rating For Domiciliary Care Service

Home Instead Senior Care Northampton, a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to older adults living in their own houses and flats in the community, was commended by the CQC for outstanding care.

The service demonstrated an excellent commitment to providing outstanding care, which put people at the heart of everything. The provider and registered manager led the staff to deliver person-centred care, which had achieved consistently outstanding outcomes for people.

People Were at the Heart of Everything
Staff continuously went the 'extra mile' to ensure that people remained living in the comfort of their own home. They respected people's individuality and empowered people to express their wishes and make choices for themselves. Positive therapeutic relationships had been developed and staff were proud of the support that they had provided to people and the positive outcomes they had observed.

Effective Quality Assurance
There was a very effective system of quality assurance led by the provider and registered manager that ensured people consistently received exceptional care and support. The people receiving care from Home Instead Senior Care Northampton had an enhanced sense of well-being and quality of life because staff worked innovatively to enable people to have meaningful experiences and not to feel isolated and alone. 

Excellent Staff Training
Staff knew their responsibilities as defined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005). The provider was aware of how to make referrals to the Court of Protection if people lacked capacity to consent to aspects of their care and support and were being deprived of their liberty. 

Health and Safety
Records showed that people received consistent care in the way they needed to maintain their safety. People's health and well-being was monitored by staff and they were supported to access health professionals in a timely manner when they needed to. People were supported to have sufficient amounts to eat and drink to maintain a balanced diet. People experienced caring relationships with staff and good interaction was evident. Staff understood their responsibilities to safeguard people and knew how to respond if they had any concerns. Care plans contained risk assessments which gave detailed instructions to staff as to how to mitigate risks; these enabled and empowered people to live as independent a life as possible safely. 

Rob Assall-Marsden, CQC’s Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in the central region, said:  “Our inspection team was really impressed by the level of care and support offered to people using Home Instead Senior Care Northampton."

“The service demonstrated an excellent commitment to providing outstanding care, which put people at the heart of everything. The provider and registered manager led the staff to deliver person-centred care, which had achieved consistently outstanding outcomes for people."

“Staff continuously went the 'extra mile' to ensure that people remained living in the comfort of their own home. They respected people's individuality and empowered people to express their wishes and make choices for themselves. Positive therapeutic relationships had been developed and staff were proud of the support that they had provided to people and the positive outcomes they had observed."

“There was a culture of openness and transparency; the registered manager continually encouraged and supported the staff to provide the best possible person-centred care and experience for people and their families."

“All of this meant people received a high standard of care, which is why it has been rated Outstanding.”

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