Thursday 28 February 2013

10 Tips for job Hunting in 2013

It is important to start your job search with a positive attitude and a plan of action. If you are beginning a job hunt, thinking about changing careers or wanting to move jobs, these tips can help you get there.
1. Make targeted applications.
Searching for the right job can mean applying to lots of adverts, but sloppy applications aren’t worth the bother, so only do as many as you can do well.
2. Meet your targets.
Set yourself a target for how many applications you make per day, and per week. Try to keep it up until you have a few interviews lined up.
3. If at first you don’t succeed.
Being successful at interviews is a skill you learn as you go along. The more you do, the better you will get at it, so if you don’t get the job you want, don’t be downhearted. You’ve gained valuable experience that will help you do better next time. 
4. Put it down to experience.
If you want to move into a new field, consider applying for a work experience position to help you gain the skills you need to take on a new role. Some internships are paid and can help you break into popular industries. 
5.Fill in the gaps.
If you have knowledge gaps that you’d like to fill, doing something about it will make you feel like you’re progressing. It a good time of year to get booked on a course.
6. Take time to network.
Polish up your LinkedIn profile to make yourself more visible to potential employers. Head to networking events in your industry, make contact with people, and follow up introductions with an email. Don’t be tempted to ask for a job however. Just let it be known that you’re interested in working in that particular industry. 
7. Be flexible.
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with your current job, or become fixated on getting one particular role. But having an open mind will lead to lots more opportunities.
8. Stay positive.
This time of year can feel pretty bleak, so eating well, and taking regular exercise will help you stay healthy, body and mind. 
9. Keep focused.
Don’t give up. Job hunting can take time, and persistence. If you don’t hear back, or an interview doesn’t go well, dust yourself off and try again. You will get there! 
10. Get some help.
Trained career advisors will help to point you in the right direction, or can set you down a path you hadn’t even thought about. 

If you are looking to secure your dream job, let us help you with your CV and your interview skills, visit us at Words Worth Reading Ltd for more information. 

Source: Office Angels
Image: Voka Kramer, Flickr

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