Sunday, 22 May 2011

SWWJ International Life Writing Competition

Life writing is an extremely popular form of creative writing at the moment, as more and more individuals become keen to share their own life experiences with others. For writers who believe they have the research and language skills to create the ultimate biography or autobiography, the Society of Women Writers and Journalists (SWWJ) has launched a competition that will be right up your street. Full details are listed below:

is delighted to announce its


With prizes totalling £9,000

Sponsored by The Morris Duo Foundation for SELVA
(Standard English, Literacy and Visual Aesthetics)

Judges: Sophie King and Katie Fforde

Word Count – 3000 words maximum – Closing Date: 30.09.2011

Entry by email only via our website

‘Life Writing’ is a fluid term used to describe the recording of experiences and memories, whether one’s own or another’s. It covers biography, memoir, diaries, letters and personal essays etc., and, more recently, digital forms such as blogs and email. It can also be linked with genealogical study – when recording your own life, it is common to become curious about the lives of others, and if they have not recorded their own life, to start doing it for them.'

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