Sunday 3 February 2013

The CQC's strategy for 2013-16 is coming soon

The consultation on the CQC's new strategy for 2013-16 closed in December. They have taken on board comments made by a wide range of organisations and individuals, your feedback provided the CQC with a lot of valuable information. 

Since it was created in 2009 there have been important changes in the economy, in government policy, in technology and in society that affect the work of the CQC and means they must review what they do and how they do it. 

The consultation focused on the following:
  1. Making greater use of information and evidence to achieve the greatest impact.
  2. Strengthening how the CQC works with our strategic partners.
  3. Continuing to build better relationships with the public.
  4. Building their relationships with organisations providing care. 
  5. Strengthening how they meet our unique responsibilities on mental health and mental capacity.
  6. Continuing the drive to become a high-performing organisation.
Over the next few months, the CQC will be updating healthcare providers with changes and information, before publishing the new strategy in the spring that will outline how they aim to achieve their goals for 2016. 

Image: buddawiggi, Flickr

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