Thursday 29 May 2014

Do we know how to speak our own language?

Researchers have come to the conclusion that most Brits struggle to pronounce common words in the English language.

According to the study, Tongue Tied: A Study of the most difficult words to pronounce, place names were particularly difficult for British people to say correctly.

The study, commissioned by London railway station St Pancras International, which is mispronounced by 33% of the population, also found that the Cambridgeshire city Ely is the most mispronounced word with over half of Brits getting it wrong. Among other words, nearly 50% cannot pronounce sherbet and 34% struggle to say et cetera correctly.

Just so you know...

Ely is pronounced EE-lee
Greenwich is pronounced Gren-itch
Prescription is pronounced Pru-skrip-shun
and Sherbet, shur-but.

Image: Tim Morgan, Flickr

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