Monday 19 January 2015

Special measures to help GPs improve

Under proposals announced by the CQC on the 15th January 15, all GP practices rated Inadequate by CQC inspectors will be placed in special measures and offered support to help them improve.

The CQC has been working with NHS England and the Royal College of General Practitioners to develop a pilot programme of intensive support for those  practices they've placed in special measures. They have now updated their plans for how they will deal with GP practices providing inadequate care and they are asking for feedback on their proposals before finalising their approach for April 2015.

The CQC began rating GP practices in October 2014. They are proposing that when they rate a practice Inadequate overall that it will automatically be placed in special measures. This will give the practice access to a package of support from NHS England. If its rating has not improved within a year, they will cancel its registration. When this happens, NHS England will ensure that patients of the practice will still have access to GP services.

The CQC first announced that they were introducing a special measures regime for GP practices in August 2014. Since then, they have been working with their partners to develop their approach and test it in early GP inspections.

Special measures will work alongside the CQC's existing powers. If they have serious concerns about a GP practice, they will take immediate action to make sure people get safe, high-quality and compassionate care.

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