Tuesday 20 September 2011

Borders staff member gets final say

The Borders book chain closed for good in the US last weekend, and one disgruntled employee posted a kiss-off letter to the store's customers to mark the occasion.

Posted anonymously in the window of an un-named store, the letter, titled Things We Never Told You: Ode to a Bookstore Death included the following statements:

* We hate when a book becomes popular simply because it was turned into a movie.
* Your summer reading list was our summer reading NIGHTMARE.
* We always knew when you were intently reading Better Homes and Gardens, it was really a hidden Playboy.
* We were never a daycare. Letting your kids run free and destroy our kids section destroyed a piece of our souls.
* Oprah was not the 'final say' on what is awesome. We really didn't care what was on her show or what her latest book club book was. Really.


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