Sunday 24 January 2016

Employability And Graduation

Soon you may be casting your net into the sea of employment and hoping for a catch. There are many challenges facing graduates today. A lack of jobs, being seen as 'inexperienced', underqualified (or overqualified!) and voluntary internships that seem to last forever.

Employability is important and therefore something worth taking the time to prepare for. How can you make yourself stand out from the crowd?

Engaging With Your Education

Taking time to seek out new challenges provides you with the opportunity to learn new skills. This puts you in a strong position in the employment market. Find out how your university or college supports employability. Challenge yourself to try something new, and start planning your career path early. Ensure you have clear goals and plan how you can begin to achieve them, whether through networking, placements or research. 

Seek Advice

Once you have chosen a career, seek advice on how best to proceed. Find out if there are any skills necessary for the job that you can develop early. Where can you gain experience of the role to show how enthusiastic and committed you are? Consider the skills you already have, some of which may be transferrable from a hobby or personal challenge you have achieved.

Soft Skills

Having the technical knowledge and expertise to fill a role is all well and good, but employers are also looking for those 'soft skills' that add a human element. 'Soft skills' refers to qualities such as organisational ability, time management, team work, using initiative and problem-solving. It is possible to 'learn' some of these skills.  

The CV

Take time with your CV. Write it early on and then proofread it. Consider the skills you have learned over the course of time. What are your strengths? Include those 'soft skills' that employers are looking for. Have you held any positions of responsibility? Ensure it is relevant to the role you are seeking.

Get Active

Consider learning a new language, volunteering for an organisation, or starting a blog related to your chosen career path. Join networks such as LinkedIn and follow groups relevant to your future role. Get yourself noticed by joining in and contributing to conversations on current issues. 

The world is your oyster, so go fishing!


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