Tuesday 3 May 2011

Adult learning can be practical!

The BBC's 'Learner' pages are a fantastic source of information for anyone involved in teaching or who considers themself to be a 'learner'. In this day and age, we should probably all classify ourselves as learners in order to get the best out of life and the knowledge and technology that surrounds us. This element of the BBC's website is split out into categories such as 'School', 'Teachers', and 'Adult Learners'.

GCSE and A' Level students will find that the Bitesize revision sessions are now available to download and watch from this site; how things have changed - I remember having to record the Bitesize programmes in the middle of the night on a video recorder, ready for me to watch and absorb the following morning over breakfast!

My favourite part of the website however is the 'Adult Learner' pages. From here you can access online courses that span across subjects such as writing tips, first aid, learning to sing, learning a new langauge and (my personal favourite) learning to garden! Each online course is visual, practical and fun. The perfect way to strengthen your knowledge and skills.

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