Wednesday 13 April 2011

CQC looks for provider of ASC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) released a press statement last week, stating that they are seeking expressions of interest to run a CQC-licensed excellence award for adult social care providers.

The CQC state that, 'The award - due to launch in April 2012 - will be open to all social care providers offering regulated services, including care homes, domiciliary care, supported living and Share Lives services, rehabilitation and residential substance misuse services.

The new scheme will be voluntary and subject to a proportionate charge. Providers who achieve the award will see it published on CQC's website, alongside their core 'provider profile' showing compliance with CQC's own essential standards (due to launch later this year).

The award will be delivered by third party organisations licensed by CQC. CQC wants there to be a number of schemes available nationwide so that care providers can choose a scheme which is most suitable and affordable to them.'

The CQC is therefore now inviting expressions of interest to run the scheme under licence. A formal tender process will commence in April and further information will be made available at this time. For more information on the tendering process, visit their website.

Successful applicants will need a track record of delivering audit or inspection programmes as well as knowledge of the social care sector. THe CQC states that it is keen to encourage partnerships across the private and voluntary sectors and is happy to hear from bodies with experience in one of these areas who may be interested in submitting a collaborative tender. Interest from voluntary sector organisations is actively encouraged.

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